Mr. Rakesh RamchandarNanda of Ramchandar Coaching Class, Chembur, Mumbai went to Istambul, Turkey for a vacation with his family. In the evening of 12th September, 2019 he got a severe heart attack in hotel room. He was taken to Tankish Hospital, Istanbul where he was declared dead.
My friend, Mr. LalitTekchandani telephoned me on 13th September morning, gave me details about Mr. Rakesh RamchandarNanda’s incident and asked me to help the family in this crisis.
Ms. Swati Amit Wadhavani, daughter of deceased Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda and her husband Amit Wadhavani went with him in the family tour. I immediately contacted Ms. Swati Amit Wadhavani and had communication with her.
After that I communicated with various concerned persons and officials in the Ministry of External Affairs, India and Consulate General of India at Istanbul, Turkey.
- Mr.V Muraleedharan, Minister of State for External Affairs
- Mr. Nand Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Minister of State for External AffairsOffice
- Mr. Om Prakash, PS to Minister of State for External Affairs
- Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharya Ambassador of India to Turkey
- Mr. J P Singh, Consul General, Istanbul
- Mr. Sanjay K. Bharadwaj,Consul (Consular & Community Welfare), Istanbul
(Communication/Whats App Messages with Ms. Swati)
Letter to Indian External Ministry
Within an hour Shri Nand Kumar, MEA official informed me that Istanbul Consulate General has been alerted.
In such cases, incidents/accidents, various formalities are to be completed. The person is to contact –
- Indian Consulate
- Local hospital authorities
- Local Police authorities
- Relatives in their residential city
- Police, Municipal, Airport Authority in their residential city.
- External (Foreign) Ministry India
Myself, my team, my colleague and Mr. Amit Wadhavani, Son-in-Law of deceased Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda started all these formalities.
I am reproducing below my communications with Amit, which is self-explanatory.
Let me state here Amit was very alert and persuasive, while sitting in Istanbul with the help of my team he took/follow up the issue till the logical end.
The Indian Counsulate in Turkey was also very cooperative and pursuasive. My communication with Shri Sanjay Bhattacharya,Consulate of India to Turkeyis reproduced below.
In such cases, sometime the family is to ask the administration to complete the hospital formalities, post mortem formalities, police authorities, local authorities, airport authority and in the destination city’s aiport authority. The procedure may take one or two days to complete. Somtime public holidays falls in between; here in the case of Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda 14th and 15th September being Saturday and Sunday were public holidays.In such situation the family is to give authority to local Consulate where the incident happened to despatch the mortal remains on the next working day after completing the formalities.In this case, wife of Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda gave such autority to Indian Consulate at Istanbul. Her daughter Swati and son-in-law Amit stayed at Istanbul and other members of the family took flight on 13th September, 2019 evening and came back to Mumbai.
Letter from Mrs. Sunita Rakesh Nanda
The Indian Consulate next morning completed formalities and dispatched the mortals through Turkish Airlines. On 16th September Swati and Amit also took the same flight
After completing all the medical, post mortem, police, cancellation of passport formalities while dispatching the mortals by airlines for the destination city simultaneously various formalities and permissions are needed to be obtained from the destination/residence city. In the case of deceased Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda the mortals was despatched through Turkish Airlines.
The permission, NOC at Mumbai Airport were obtained through Turkish Airlines and their ground handling company M/s. Celebi.
Mr. Saurabh Dalvi of Celbi, Mumbai was very cooperative. Communication with him is given below.
NOC/permission required to be sent at the departure city. The Health Officer, Dr. Paasi of Mumbai Airport Authority was very cooperative and sent such NOC to Turkish Airlines, Turkish Airport Authority at Istanbul.
Mr. Rajbir Singh of Turkish Airlines Cargo section was also very cooperative.
The local authority, i.e. Chembur Municipality officer, Shri Prithiviraj Chavan also gave proper service. His officerMr. Bhosle helped and gave permission forthwith to perform the last rights Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda at Chembur Samshan Bhumi.
I certainly appreciate the prompt, humanistic and positive nature and cooperative attitude of Indian Embassy/Consulate staff, who after 4 days of hard working, when we thanked them the response was very much noble – “My team was doing its duty”. Given below the communication of Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharya, Ambassador, Turkey.
Mr. J P Singh, Consular General, Indian Consulate, Turkey says-
Observation and Acknowledgement
Mr. Randhir Lamba, Relation Officer of GVK, Mumbai Airport replied my thanks for the support provided by him with very heart touching words.
Shri Amit Wadhavani, son-in-law of Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda’s acknowledged me when they reached back Mumbai at the Chembur residence along with mortals of Mr. Rakesh Ramchandar Nanda.Shri. Amit Wadhavani Says -
“We were inside the plane. I am sold out to you for life. God bless you abundantly.”